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National Holidays
January 1st and 6th; Easter Monday; April 25th; May 1st; June 2nd, August 15th; November 1st; December 8th, 25th and 26th. Towns also close down on the feast day of their local saint. The weeks on either side of August 15th are the peak summer holiday periods for Italians when it's busy on the beaches.

Travel light, even in your own car. Formal clothes are unnecessary unless you stay in one of the few grand hotels. A smarter outfit, however, for the evening stroll and dinner will help you feel less like a tourist.

Many visitors who would never dream of visiting their own churches back home in shorts and halter top get huffy when frowned upon for doing it in Italy - respect religious sensibilities and cover up bare flesh when visiting sacred places. Shorts, anyway, unless you are young and boast a fine pair of legs, belong nowhere other than on the beach.

While lightweight clothing is essential in high summer, you'll need a good sweater or jersey and raincoat in the spring and autumn. In winter expect the worse and dress up warmly.

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