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Marche Voyager Useful Information | Pages from money to health


getting to le marche | getting around when you're here | driving in italy
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Getting around when you're here
by rail
:  The Ferrovie dello Stato (FS), the Italian State Railways has two main lines in the Marche - the coastal Milan-Bari line that links up most of the seaside resorts and the trans-Italy Ancona-Rome line that joins up a few of the larger towns in the central part of the region. The rest of the Marche, however, is poorly served.

by car:  Unless you intend to stay put in one of the larger towns, a car is the key to discovering the Marche. If you can't bring your own, hire one with your airline ticket. See here for more on driving in Italy.

taxis:  Metered taxis are easily available in most larger places - you'll usually find them in ranks by the station or by the main square. Fares, which are always displayed, vary according to location, and like taxis across Europe are not cheap. For long journeys in country areas agree the price beforehand.

by bus:  While a few of the larger centres are served by trains, much of rural Marche relies on a good network of private bus services. Comfortable modern coaches are used. Timetables and routes, usually tailored to the needs of school children rather than tourists, are available from tourist information offices or local town halls. Sunday services are thin on the ground.

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