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marche voyager Moving to Le Marche | Thinking of living here?

buying a home

restoring property


money matters

Given the region's great charm, it is no surprise that many are tempted by the idea of buying property here.

In this section of Marche Voyager we've gathered together some ideas and advice, much of it based on our own experience as foreigners who came to live and work in Le Marche in 1988.

We should also mention as of 2024, after 35 magnificent years, we are selling our own splendid home and vacation rental business in outstanding countryside under Monte Catria (see photo below), and downsizing to our nearby town of Cagli. See our agent's website for more information, or see our vacation business website.


  • buying a home covers the most important decision of all.
  • restoring property "does & don'ts" when doing up your dream home.
  • paperwork looks at the most important documents you'll need to get.
  • money matters discusses property and income taxes.
  • health gives you a briefing on medical care in the region.

We hope you find the information useful.





