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Marche Voyager Marche Places | Sassocorvaro


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Apart from a pretty setting beside an artificial lake, there is one overriding reason to visit this homely village - the town's splendid castle, which sits tortoise-like in the central square. Designed in 1475 by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, it is reckoned one of his finest works.

The entrance gate leads into a fine Renaissance courtyard with its delicate balcony, around which are constructed the castle's three principal towers. Inside the rooms are filled with a ragbag collection of pictures and bric-a-brac. The tiny 18th century private theatre with its elaborately frescoed ceiling is particularly noteworthy.

The castle was used during the Second World War to hide many of Italy's finest works of art from Venice, Milan and Florence, as well as Piero della Francesca's Flagellation from Urbino's Palazzo Ducale.

