Most of the life of Matelica revolves around the central Piazza Mattei, with its elegant 17thC fountain. Around it you'll find the town's chief
attractions - the Loggia of the Ottoni family, built by the town's ruling family in 1511 and the 13thC Palazzo Pretorio, topped by an 18thC tower.
In one of the side-chapels of the church of the Suffragio, search out Salvator Rosa's tortured painting of the Crucifixion and Souls in Purgatory.
Also worthy of note are the cathedral, with a 15thC bell tower, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, and the church of the
Maddalena, with its romanesque portal and facade.
Before you leave, be sure to drink some of the town's own Verdicchio wine, as Matelica produces some of the best in the Marche.