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marche voyager Moving to Le Marche | Health

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Contrary to received opinion, the Italian public health service, at least in the Marche, works very well. A modern, well-run network of hospitals covers the whole region and even in the most out-of-the-way corners you'll never be far from emergency treatment should you need it.

In the event of serious illness or injury, head for the 24-hour casualty departments (pronto soccorso or punto di primo intervento) at any hospital.

For minor aches and pains make for the local farmacia, or dispensing chemist. They keep normal shop hours and can be spotted by a green cross outside; they also operate an emergency opening service on a rotating shift basis, details of which are displayed in the window.

If you decide to live in the Marche you probably want to sign up with a general practitioner (medico di famiglia) through the local A.S.L. - Azienda Sanitaria Locale - office and if you are earning you'll have to pay your regular "national insurance" contributions (INPS in Italian). You can, of course, always consult a doctor as a paying private patient without getting involved with the A.S.L.

Under the public health system, unless you are elderly or chronically ill, you'll have to pay a contribution towards prescriptions, laboratory analyses and hospital out-patient treatment.

Dental treatment in the Marche, as in the rest of Italy, is often excellent but is expensive and is not covered by the public health service.






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