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Marche Voyager Marche Places | San Ginesio


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*See this page for information on earthquake damage in 2016 in this area.

A delightful small town with a strong medieval stamp and breathtaking views of the mountains.

The beautiful central square is named after the town's most famous ancestor, Alberico Gentili (1552-1608), Professor of Civil Law at Oxford University and one of the founding fathers of the modern principles of international law.

His statue is overlooked by the splendid Collegiate Church (above) - its romanesque portal is topped by a highly unusual brick gothic facade while the tower to one side has an oddly-shaped onion dome sitting on it. Inside, visit the crypt which is decorated with delightful early frescoes by Lorenzo Salimbeni (1406).

The remainder of the town retains its original medieval plan and walls as well as many early buildings. These include two churches - the 10thC church of San Michele and the 13thC romanesque church of San Francesco - and two of the five hospitals which gave rest to pilgrims on their way to Rome. Of these, the Ospedale di San Paolo (below), with its magnificent two storey loggia and carved capitals, just inside the entrance to the town, is particularly worthy of note.

The town's civic museum, housed in the former church of San Sebastiano, holds many works by Marche painters of the 15th and 16th centuries and a haunting painting by Nicola da Siena of Saint Andrew watching over a battle between the towns of San Ginesio and Fermo.

