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Marche VoyagerEating in the Marche | Menu translator

marche food

food notes


food shopping


Items with an asterisk are Marche specialities

aceto - vinegar
affettato - sliced cured pork meats
aglio - garlic
*agnello - lamb
anatra - duck
anguilla - eel
antipasto - hors d'ouvres
arrabbiata - spicy ("angry") pasta sauce
arrosto - roast
asparaghi - asparagus
*baccala' - salt cod
basilico - basil
in bianco - "white" ie. dish without tomato
bietola - chard
bistecca (maiale/manzo) - steak (pork/ beef)
bollito - boiled
alla brace - cooked over embers
braciola - chop, usually of pork
branzino - sea bass
*brodetto - Marche fish stew
in brodo - in broth
bruschetta - toasted bread with oil & garlic
burro - butter
*cacciagione - game
alla cacciatore - with sweet pepper and tomato
calamari - squid
*cappelletti (in brodo) - "hats" of stuffed pasta (in broth)
carciofi - artichokes
carne - meat
carote - carrots
carpa - carp
castagne - chestnut
*castrato - older, stronger tasting lamb
cavolfiore - cauliflower
cavolo (nero) - cabbage (dark)
ceci - chick peas
cefalo - grey mullet
cetriolo - cucumber
*ciauscolo - soft cured pork salame
ciliege - cherries
*cinghiale - wild boar
cipolla - onion
*coniglio (in porchetta) - rabbit (stuffed with wild fennel)
contorno - vegetable dishes
*coratella d'agnello - tasty fry-up of lamb's unmentionables
costarelle - spare ribs
cotto - cooked
cotechino - boiled sausage
cozze - mussels
crostini - toasted canapes
crudo - raw
dolci - sweets
fagiano - pheasant
fagioli - beans
fagiolini - french beans
faraona - guinea fowl
farcito - stuffed
fave - broad beans
*fegatelli - pig's liver wrapped in caul fat
fegatini - chicken livers
fegato - liver
fettina - thinly sliced meat
fettuccine - pasta ribbons
fichi - figs
filetto - fillet
finocchio - fennel
focaccia - flat bread
formaggio - cheese
*formaggio di fossa - strong, cavern-aged cheese
fragole - strawberries
frittata - omelette
fritto - fried
frutta - fruit
frutti di mare - shell fish
funghi - mushrooms
gamberi - prawns
gelato - ice cream
gnocchi - small potato dumplings
alla graticola/griglia - grilled
insalata (verde/mista) - salad (green/mixed)
in umido - stewed
involtini - stuffed meat rolls
lenticchie - lentils
lepre - hare
*lonza - cured fillet of pork
luccio - pike
*lumache - snails
macedonia di frutta - fruit salad
magro - lean
maiale - pig/pork
mandorle - almonds
manzo - beef
marmellata - jam
mela - apple
melanzane - aubergines
merluzzo - cod
miele - honey
minestra - soup
minestrone - vegetable soup
misto - mixed
nocciole - hazelnuts
noce - walnut
nostrano, nostrale - locally produced
oca - goose
olio d'oliva - olive oil
orata - gilt-head bream
osso buco - shin of veal
ostriche - oysters
pane - bread
panforte - dried fruit spiced cake
panino - roll
panna - cream
panzanella - bread & tomato salad
pappardelle - wide pasta noodles
*passatelli - a pasta made of breadcrumbs & cheese
patate - potatoes
penne - pasta quills
peperoni - peppers
peperonata - braised peppers and tomato
pesce - fish
pescespada - sword fish
*piccione (ripieno) - pigeon (stuffed)
piselli - peas
pollo - chicken
polpette - meatballs
pomodoro - tomato
*porcini - boletus "cepes" mushrooms
prosciutto (crudo) - ham (raw cured "Parma")
ragu' - meat sauce
ripieno - stuffed/stuffing
riso - rice
rombo - turbot or brill
in rosso - cooked with tomato
*salame di fichi - figs pressed into salame shape.
salsiccia - sausage
*seppie (con piselli) - octopus (with peas)
sogliola - sole
sott'olio - food preserved under oil
spezzatino - meat stew
allo spiedo - grilled on skewers
spinaci - spinach
*stoccafisso - salt cod (see baccala' )
tacchino - turkey
tartufo/tartufato - truffle/flavoured with truffles
tiramisu - sweet with eggs, sponge and mascarpone cheese
tonno - tuna
tortellini - stuffed pasta rings
triglia - red mullet
trippa - tripe
trota - trout
uovo - eggs
verdura (cotta) - green vegetables (cooked)
*vincisgrassi - Marche version of lasagna
*vino visciolato - red wine infused with wild cherries.
vitello - calf or veal
vongole - baby clams
zucchini - courgettes
zuppa inglese - ersatz trifle



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